Avengers, Assemble! Bring together a team of superheroes and travel across the Multiverse, gathering the all-powerful Infinity Stones. Use their power to defeat Thanos, before the Mad Titan can use their reality-bending power to destroy the universe! Pick your tokens carefully, recruit characters to gain Infinity Points and bonuses. These bonuses help you recruit more powerful heroes and acquire locations… until you gather enough resources and Infinity Points to trigger the endgame! Splendor Marvel uses the same core rules as the original Splendor, but with a different colour structure, a new endgame trigger, and new victory conditions. With quick-to-learn gameplay and simplistic rules, Splendor Marvel is fun for new and experienced players alike!
• Travel across the Multiverse in Splendor: Marvel board game.
• Bring together a team of super heroes and try to prevent Thanos from ending the world.
• Gather the Infinity gems, recruit heroes and villains, and claim the Gauntlet to win.
• Like the original Splendor, its intuitive, unique economy makes this game simple yet challenging every time.
• Number of players: 2-4
• Recommended age: 10+
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