50 Mayday Games Premium Chimera Game Sleeves (57.5 x 89 MM) MDG7078

Original price was: £2,25.Current price is: £0,90.

SKU: 'a892 Category: Tag:

These premium sleeves are 90microns in thickness, that’s over twice the thickness of the standard sleeves.

Plastic sleeves to protect your games these are Chimera size (57.5mm by 89mm)

These fit the following games: 7 Ages: 6000 Years of Human History, A Game of Thrones -Board Game, A Game of Thrones Clash Of Kings, A Game of Thrones Storm Of Swords, Acquire (1976 version), Adventurers, The, Agora, Android, Apples to Apples, Arkham Horror Board Game, Arkham Horror: Lurker at the Threshold, Arkham Horror: Black Goat, Arkham Horror: Dark Pharaoh, Arkham Horror: Dunwich, Arkham Horror: Innsmouth, Arkham Horror: King In Yellow, Arkham Horror: Kingsport Horror, Aye, Dark Overlord, Battles of Napoleon: The Eagle and the Lion (2010) , Battles of Westeros, Battlestar Galactica, Battlestar Galactica – Pegasus Expansion, Brawl, Chaos In The Old World, Chez Geek, Citadels,Clue, Clue -1st Edition 1949 Classic Reproduction, Colossal Arena, Condottiere, Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear Russia 1941-42, Cosmic Encounter, D-Day at Omaha Beach,Death Note Investigation Card Game (2009) , Descent – Alter of Despair, Descent – Road to Legend, Descent – Tomb Of Ice, Descent -Well Of Darkness, Descent Journeys In The Dark,Doom Board Game, Doom Board Game Exp, Elfenland, Empire Builder (2002 Edition), Fairy Tale (Zman), Freeze (2010) , Frenzy, Fury of Dracula, Great Wall Of China, Greyhawk Wars,HysteriCoach, Letter of Marque, Limits, Little Grey Rabbit, Master Builder (2008), Middle Earth Quest, Modern Art (Mayfair Version), Mousquetaires du Roy (2010) , Neue Welten (2010) , Nexus, Nobody But Us Chickens, Pit, R-Eco, Rack-O, Racko, Risk -Lord of the Rings Version, Rock! (Out of the Box), Roma, Run Wild (Out of the Box), Runebound – Expansion Decks, Runebound – Frozen Wastes, Runebound – Island of Dread, Runebound – Sands of Al-Kalim, Runebound Second Edition, Runewars, Senji, Set: Family Game of Visual Perception, Shazamm, Sleuth (1971 3M Gamette ed.) large cards, Slide 5 (Slide Five), Starcraft, Starcraft – Brood War, Super Circles (Out of the Box), Tales of Arabian Nights, Time?s Up! , Time?s Up! (Expansion Set 1) , Time?s Up! (Expansion Set 2) , Too Many Cooks, Union Pacific, US Patent 1, Warhammer Fantasy Role Play, Witch Trial, Zombie State: Diplomacy of the Dead, Summoner Wars, Age of Conan, World of Warcraft Game Character Packs, World of Warcraft: The Adventure Game, World of Warcraft: The Board Game, World of Warcraft: The Board Game Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft: The Board Game Shadow of War, Mansion of Madness, Battlestar Galactica – Exodus Expansion

We are pleased to be Mayday Games UK exclusive distributors for this product and if you require it in builk please let us know. (we are also happy to supply in bulk to clubs as well as shops in both the UK and the rest of the EU please see our bulk discounts above)

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